Swap images containing phone numbers with Dynamic Number Insertion

If the phone number on the website is in an image, you can configure dynamic number insertion to swap the image with a different image that contains the WildJar tracking number.

This is done by enabling the Advanced option when creating a DNI rule.

  1. Click Dynamic Insertion in the main menu
  2. Select the domain name of your website
  3. Click + Add Number
  4. Toggle on Advanced

  5. Choose Image from the Replacement Content Type dropbox
  6. Enter the image URL (that you would like to swap) into the phone number on the website box.
  7. Enter the image URL of the image you would like to replace it with into the custom return box.
    Note: WildJar does not host the replacement image, it is best practice to host this in the same place as the original image.
  8. Select the WildJar tracking number that will be shown in the replacement image.
  9. Click Confirm to save the rule.
  10. Click Save to update the DNI configuration.

Please note, it can take up to 5 minutes for DNI changes to update.

Congratulations, your image will be configured to swap! 🎉