External reporting connector

The external reporting connector allows you to create external URLs to easily access or export your data for use internally or integration into 3rd party reporting platforms. Data can be made available in CSV or JSON data format.

You can find instructions below to:

Setting up an external link

You can create an external reporting connector link by following the below steps:

  1. Navigate to the Integrations page and under External Reporting Connector click "configure".


  2. Click the + icon at the top right to create a new external link

    Screenshot 2024-10-04 at 12.24.34 pm

  3. You'll then be shown the configuration pane:
    Screenshot 2024-10-04 at 12.25.33 pm

  4. Enter the name of the external platform or, if using as an export, a descriptive name.
  5. Select the account you would like data for. If an account has sub accounts, you'll also have an option to include all sub-accounts.

    Screenshot 2024-10-04 at 12.26.54 pm

  6. Select the authentication type:
    OAUTH2: You must authenticate with the WildJar API and obtain a bearer token to access the data.
    X-API-KEY: You must authenticate using x-api-key as header.
  7. Select either JSON or CSV.
  8. Click Save.

Please note: When creating an external reporting connector for the first time, it can take up to 24 hours for the data to populate and be available at the external URL.

You will be shown the details for your external data connector.

For X-API-KEY, make sure to Generate a New API Key and save this.

Use the example in the webpage as below to set up the URL structure:

Screenshot 2024-10-18 at 10.47.13 am


You can use the Curl Converter website to easily convert curl commands into any other coding language you require.

Accessing an external reporting connector link

You can access the link for your External Data Connectors by following the below steps:

  1. Navigate to the Integrations page and under External Reporting Connector click "configure".
  2. Select the required connector:


  3. In the configuration pane, click the copy button to copy the link:


    If exporting a CSV, you can paste it into your browser for the CSV to be generated and downloaded. There is a maximum of 10,000 records per request.


Filtering external reporting connector data

URL parameters can be added to your External Reporting Connector link to filter the data. The below fields are available:

Parameters Description



You can use "1 week ago" or a more traditional ISO 8601 date range for the date.



The limit parameter can be used to return results between 1 and 10,000.



CSV only. Use ‘ALL’ to preserve the field order. Alternatively, you can comma separate the fields you would like to see in the data.
